
Ike Baker Police Liason

Robert Isaacs, better known as "Ike Baker" was allegedly a Police Liason for the August 12, 2017 Unite The Right rally. His name appeared in the handwritten notes of former Charlottesville City Manager Maurice Jones from a meeting with rally organizer Jason Kessler.  Excerpt of handwritten notes of Maurice Jones.  Baker was listed as 'Police Liason" in an operational order created by Elliott Kline, which was released as part of a legal filing by the city of Charlottesville.  Excerpt of operational order.  A declaration by Charlottesville Police Department Detective Tony Newberry shows that Newberry was responsible for gathering intelligence from the League of the South and Vanguard America prior to the rally. It is unclear who the "security team" consisted of, but said security team apparently had advised the police of their plans. Excerpt of account of events published at Occident